About GetUFit Personal Wellness 3D Body Scanner
GetUFit Personal Wellness utilizes a patented 3D Body Scanner(ProScanner) that captures a full 3D body scan in 35 seconds. This scan is then used to provide the user with the most compelling view into their wellness including 3D imagery, measurements, body shape scoring, posture analysis, and body composition.

Preparing For and Taking a 3D Body Scan:
- Wear minimal clothing and/or form-fitting clothing for each 3D Body Scan session.
- Please keep in mind that things like different undergarment styles from one scan to the next can affect measurements, therefore be sure to wear the same style (or same garments) for each 3D Body Scan session.
- Ensure that your hair is completely tied up above the neckline.
- This includes long beards, which should also be tied above the neckline.
During the 3D Scan:
You will stand in a relaxed and natural position while holding the handles.
DO NOT suck in your belly or puff up your chest during the scan.
DO NOT hold your breath.
Breathe slow, shallow breaths (normal breathing) during the entire scan process.
Remain standing totally STILL without moving your head. Look straight ahead during entire scan process.
Following these basic instructions should ensure scan consistency, which will ensure scan accuracy.